
Wool Pants

I’ve made Nathaniel a few pairs of wool pants from the sleeves of thrift store sweaters, but I think these new ones are perhaps my favorites.


I had found a nice soft J. Crew sweater, and it felted up really nicely, but it had holes in the elbows. The elbows make the bum of baby pants. So I covered the holes with pockets made of the same sweater fabric, sewn on with contrasting thread.


There are matching shoes in the works, but he hasn’t given me another evening to work on them again yet. Soon, I hope.


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Wool Slippers

I made myself a pair of wool slippers last winter, using an old sweater I felted. They have been so warm and comfy and I’ve worn them every day this winter, that I decided it was time to make some for my kids.

These are for Timothy, age 2:


All the materials came from the thrift store: the wool sweater I felted (there are always lots of those!), the soft leather I used on the soles, and the embroidery floss I used to sew it all together. They’re not perfect, but he seems to like them, he’s kept them on longer than he usually wears socks, at least. And they will definitely keep his feet toasty.

I’m still working on making up a pattern/instructions, which I hope to post soon. I’m planning to make a pair for Ben tonight (unless I fall asleep instead), and I’ll try to take photos of the process.


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